Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to the beginning; "The Guy who Loves you but Treats you Like Shit"

OK this one goes back a long way... When I started writing this blog, I thought it would be funny to write the random, and funny dating experiences that I went through in the past, or was going through at the present. Now it's just reminiscing... But, don't give up on me! There are many stories that I still have to share! And hopefully I can get some feedback/insight from people (are you out there??) reading them.

So about "The Guy..."; This one remains a complete mystery to me. We (women) continue a friendship witha person who continues to build you up, and lets you down like clock-work every time you rely on him. So why do we keep relying on this person? It's like some weird addiction we go through...We look at him, and feel stupid butterflies, but as soon as he opens his mouth, we know eveything he says is total bullshit! But, we smile and nod, and fall into his arms whenever it's convenient for him, because it makes us feel good to be "loved". (That may have sounded pathetic, but what's more pathetic is the guy who is afraid to get close to someone so they reel you in just to hurt you).
There was a time when you fell for his trickery, and now, for some reason you have it all figured out. And by "all figured out" I mean that you tell everyone that you are done with him and his foolishness...BUT, you can't bring yourself to erase his number from your phone. So for years and YEARS you call each-other, and he tells you everything that you want to hear. His voice alone makes your knees buckle. And yet, somehow each time you hang up, you're left with that same empty feeling. Ahhh! Why do you keep tricking yourself into believing that this is something even remotely real? Why does he keep doing this?
We do it because it's a good feeling (for the short term), and then we go on beating ourselves up. From our (extremely distorted) point of view, this guys says and has us believe that he is going to whisk us off our feet, and we'll "be together forever". Please. Then he lures us into bed with his unsurpassed charm and sex-appeal (note: I have come to believe, and know, that charm is NOT to be trusted), and leaves the next day only to avoid our phone calls for the next 4-6 months. Then you see each-other at a party, drinking ensues, and the cycle continues!

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